Friday, October 30, 2009

the unfounded mystery - girls

Girls..i've been figuring out these weird creatures for 2-3 years now and i still haven't found a conclusion..i know thomas edison, in his attempt to create the light bulb, tried 999 times and failed and FINALLY succeeded..i'm not that crazy though in my attempt to find the right one although i do admit going to extreme measures if i want something so badly..maybe one day i'll wake up and find someone i really like calling me..haih i dunno..surely u girls r complicated doubt about it..sometimes u try so much and still fail..they all say u'll find the right one but when??? i feel i'll be going crazy if this thing goes on and on like this..and yes i've read "men are from mars, women are from venus" and some dating books but still no luck..i dont think there's something wrong with me..i think i grew up like everyone else then what's my problem? i just hope one day this thing will end..everything will end and clears me up..

its been raining outside since the if its trying to tell something..and hopefully its gonna be good :)

i sign out with this quote for me and for those who may be having the same problem..

"Many of life's failures are men who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." - Thomas Edison.


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